
2014 Goals

8 Reasons to Set some Sporting Goals for 2014.

It’s 2014, and a new year brings new challenges and opportunities. Here are some good reasons for you to get going and set some sport challenges.2014 goals

  1. We live in an increasingly sedentary world. We tend to sit a lot: in the car, at work and then in front of the TV. A number of health researchers have described sitting as the new smoking. It is time for you to buck the trend and get moving.
  2. A lot of your friends are swimming, cycling and running. Why don’t you find out what they are all up to?
  3. It is possible to ride an Argus or 94.7. You can run a 10k or a half marathon. The Midmar mile is doable. I realise that, for a non-athlete, the thought of running for an hour is daunting. However, we have all been there. Even Comrades runners had to enter their first 10k. Give your body enough time, and it will adapt.
  4. You will need a stress reliever. There is always a sense of optimism as we move into a new year. The reality is, however, that life is always full of challenges. Just a half hour run will do all sorts of things chemically to help reduced the negative effects of that stress.
  5. People who train introduce a sense of adventure into their lives. Simply waking up, getting ready for work, getting stuck in traffic and then sitting to bring your email pile down is just too boring. Throw in an early morning run, and you have thrown in a bit of true adventure.
  6. You will enter a whole new world full of information, learning curves and challenges.
  7. You might have been completely unsporting at school. Don’t let this stop you. The new tanned & fit you, might just one day bump into an “A” team sporty dude at school, and realise that he/she has not managed to keep their fitness up to scratch.
  8. We live in a world where sugar and cheap oily food abound. Food technologists design these foods to become moreish by triggering certain spots on your tongue that will leave you wanting more and more. Our society gets fatter by the day. i can and i willIt’s time for you to be different; healthy and active.

It’s now your time to set some goals.

Regards and have a wonderful 2014.



Runner's Leg Assessments, Run and Tri Coaching, Bike Setups, Myofascial Release and Injury Rehab, Pronation Checks and Running Shoe sales. SBR Sport - Moove Gym, Sunninghill. Tel. 066 236 9187